Heritage Services
Planning, Listed Building Consent
& Appeals
We support our clients throughout the planning process for listed building consents, planning applications and appeals.
- Heritage & design advice prior to application
- Pre-applications
- Full Application submission, advice & management
- Appeal submission & advice
- Council negotiations
- Discharge of conditions application & advice
- Planning committee attendance & participation
Heritage Reports & Assessments
We provide several types of bespoke, well researched reports & assessments, including the following:
- Heritage Statements
- Heritage Impact Assessments
- Visual Impact Assessments (Townscape)
- Conservation Management Plans
- Heritage Partnership Agreements
- Conservation Area Appraisals
- Appeal Statement of Case (heritage matters)
- Historic Building Recording
Typically, we provide the above reports as part of our wider heritage consultancy services, which may include heritage, design & planning advice.
Heritage Feasibility
Whether it is pre-purchase advice or getting an early opinion on your design aspirations, heritage feasibility studies play an important role in understanding the significance, risks & potential of your heritage asset at an early stage. We provide the following:
- Pre-purchase advice
- Initial advice (written opinion)
- Assessment of heritage significance
- Building history report
- Design options appraisal
Unauthorised Works
Unauthorised works occur when consent has not been obtained for works carried out to a listed building. This can result in enforcement action & prosecution. We can help our clients navigate this process.
- Survey of unauthorised works
- Research into building & planning history
- Advise on unauthorised work reversal, mitigation & regularisation
- Applications for unauthorised work resolution
- Council negotiations
- Unauthorised works prevention (on-site construction advice)
Our heritage services apply to:
- Listed buildings at all grades
- Locally listed buildings & non-designated heritage assets
- Unlisted historic buildings
- Any building within a Conservation Area
- Any building in a historic setting
- Other heritage designations, including parks & gardens
- National Parks, AONBs & Green belt
We have experience working throughout the UK, with a particular focus on providing heritage services in London & the South East of England.